Here’s a few words from companies using Wizlink®
“Wizlink® fits very well with our digital transformation strategy, including business process automation. After the workshops with colleagues from different departments, we decided to build an internal competence center associated with automation. As for the selection of technology, we trusted First Byte, the Polish company, which is the creator of the Wizlink® tool for robotic process automation.”
Robert Wójcicki
Head of the New Technologies and
Data Management Department
Adamed Pharma

“I made friends with the robot because it does the most tedious and repetitive tasks allowing me to focus on more creative activities. In our case, it generates reports based on raw data and sends them daily or weekly to those interested. It generates reports from various systems such as ERP or MES and processes them in Excel to be legible and customized to our needs.
During the training, we created three basic reports that the robot does now. On their basis, I can easily create new tasks for the robot. As a result, the robot may feel a bit used. If it rebels, we will not hesitate to introduce another robot ?.”
Krzysztof Kosek
IT Director
“The Wizlink® robot helped us control the chaos that prevailed at the beginning of the pandemic, when we were forced to work remotely and resign from the paper documents. Within a few days, First Byte provided us with 3 scenarios for robots, and then trained our employee, who later developed robots independently. Currently, cooperation with the Robot saves our time on tedious and time-consuming processes, which results in the satisfaction of all employees and allows them to develop in other areas.”
Monika Śpiewla
“Due to the unusual requirement of one of our clients, we were looking for a solution that would allow us to integrate our internal system with the Partner’s portal quickly. We chose Wizlink® technology, also having in mind the development of our own solution and competition solutions.
What convinced us to Wizlink® is the extraordinary approach to the client and great flexibility. A rich initial training package allowed us to develop the integration and create an internal team as an independent support unit, which further allowed us to implement the robot-based solutions in the company.
I can definitely recommend Wizlink® to anyone thinking about introducing RPA solutions in the enterprise.”
Michał Włodarczyk
Head of IT
InterEurope AG
“A professional approach to the client, an excellent understanding of our needs resulting in a flexible offer, convinced us to cooperate with WIZLINK®. The willingness of the WIZLINK® team to share with us their knowledge about creating robots was also very significant. Thanks to the WIZLINK® robot, we daily save many hours of tedious and repetitive work, which contributes, of course, in addition to the financial benefit, to raise the morale in the team supported by the robot. Conducted training and support received from WIZLINK® allowed us to create a project team that successfully automates the subsequent processes.”
Krzysztof Bieńko
Facility Manager
Prime Cargo

„I decided to implement the RPA solution in the company with the simultaneous development of internal competences in this area, outside the IT Team. Ultimately, we opted for Wizlink®. I believe that it was a good decision to establish cooperation with a partner who, like us, is on the development path. It is interested in developing its product and business relations. In addition, the choice of a more affordable solution also means lower project costs, and ultimately less pressure on the results. It is important! Thanks to this approach, we can learn calmly, we have a margin for making mistakes, we can draw conclusions and build better solutions.”
Tomasz Tobór
Unilink S.A.
“First Byte developed the first robot, then trained the team, and we made the next robot ourselves. We did not expect that the introduction of robots into our company would be performed so efficiently.”
Bogdan Mazurek
“I use Wizlink® during classes in the subject of Accounting and financial processes robotization carried out during the master’s studies. In this way, Warsaw School of Economics students have the opportunity not only to gain knowledge about the financial and accounting robotization processes, but also how to develop practical skills in the software robots building. The result of these efforts are bots for financial applications that were developed to pass the final exam.
The choice of Wizlink® as the environment in which bots are created was determined by its features – high transparency and intuitive work with the software. E-learning materials prepared by trainers from First Byte were an additional advantage. Their use in this semester allowed us to implement the program of activities conducted in the hybrid mode systematically and without any problems.”
Habilitated doctor Monika Łada,
Warsaw School of Economics nominated professor